City of Monroe COVID-19 Small Business Enterprise and Housing Payment Assistance Program

City of Monroe COVID-19 Small Business Enterprise and Housing Payment Assistance Program

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was signed into law on March 27, by President Trump.  The CARES Act Community Development Fund is based on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) formula for Entitlement Cities. 

Mayor Jamie Mayo is pleased to announce the launch of the City of Monroe COVID-19 Small Business Enterprise Loan/Grant, Rental Assistance, and Mortgage Payment Assistance Programs. The City of Monroe is an entitlement city, and we have been awarded $436,363 in CDBG funds to help address local needs.

The Monroe City Council approved the local Action Plan to make funds available for four new programs:

  • Small Business Enterprise Loans for businesses that employ low to moderately low–income employees. Small Businesses can apply for up to $15,000.00 as a forgivable loan. Allowable expenses include payroll & operational costs.
  • Mortgage and Rental Assistance –Homeowners or renters can apply to receive assistance with mortgage, rent, or utility payments. Support cannot exceed three (3) months. Funding availability will be determined on a case by case basis.
  • Rental Rehabilitation –Landlords can apply for up to $25,000 to address code violations, lead-based paint issues, accommodate persons with disabilities, and other housing-related problems that have deteriorated the property. 
  • Non-Profit Agency Assistance for COVID19 related needs such as PPE Equipment or providing service to prevent the spread of COVID.


Emergency Assistance is available for Renters affected by COVID-19.

If you are unemployed or experience economic hardship due to the Stay-at-Home order or the economic downturn due to the pandemic, you may be eligible for housing-related assistance.

Click here to start the Renters application process – CityOfMonroeCOVID_19RentersAssistanceProgramApp

Emergency Assistance is available for Homeowners affected by COVID-19

If you are a homeowner experiencing economic hardship due to the pandemic and need assistance with mortgage payments, you may be eligible for assistance.

Click here to start the Homeowners application process – CityOfMonroeCOVID_19MortgageAssistanceProgramApp 

Small Business Enterprise Loans/Grants are available to provide businesses that employ low to moderately low-income employees up to $15K for operational costs.

Click here to start the Small Business application process – CityofMonroeCOVID_19SmallBusinessAssistanceProgramApp

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