
“Rescue-2 is ‘in service’ to the citizens and visitors of the City of Monroe as a ‘heavy rescue’ truck.”

“Heavy Rescue” implies a fully-equipped full-size fire apparatus with a diverse range of specialized rescue equipment, with a highly trained and experienced crew compliment. With a crew consisting of a Fire Captain as the Company Officer, and Lieutenant as the Fire Driver/Operator, and two Private / Firefighters, all regularly assigned personnel are trained in many rescue-oriented skills, some of which include:

  • Vehicle Extrication (using the “jaws of life”)
  • High-Angle Rope Rescue
  • Urban Search and Rescue / Building Collapse
  • Trench Rescue
  • Hazardous Materials Technician-Level Training

Rescue-2 is equipped with a full complement of some of the latest technology in vehicle extrication tools, including a vehicle-mounted hydraulic power unit, large spreader, large cutter, large ram, small ram, and pedal cutter. Accessories include a rocker panel base (or RAM base) for providing a stable surface for the base of the RAM to rest while pushing, reciprocating saws for removing windshields and cutting roof posts, window punches for removing side and back (tempered) glass, a full complement of air bags, cribbing, wedges, and other tools and equipment needed for vehicle extrication. Also included is a full set of extrication tools used not only as a backup set to the vehicle-mounted unit, but as a portable able to be taken closer to vehicles that are off-road.

Rescue-2 is dispatched as first-alarm to all structure fires, fire alarms, motor vehicle accidents, and auto-pedestrian accidents. This diverse range of response makes it one of the busiest apparatuses on the department.

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