“You can do your part to help reduce the high cost of traffic accidents by taking the following actions:”
DON’T TAKE CHANCES – Play it safe. Drivers should not try to “beat the light” or “beat the train” at railroad crossings. Drive defensively at all times.
REPORT ROADWAY HAZARDS as soon as possible to city. parish or state officials responsible for road maintenance and safety. Roadway hazards that should be reported are:
- Traffic signs obstructed by vegetation
- Traffic signal malfunctions
- Traffic signs down or damaged
- Obstructions, potholes, bumps or dips in roadway
- Shoulder washouts
- Water pending on roadway
PROPERTY OWNERS SHOULD KEEP VEGETATION TRIMMED to insure that good intersection and driveway sight distance is provided and that traffic control signs are visible.
REPORT ACTS OF VANDALISM to law enforcement, traffic engineering and maintenance officials.
SUPPORT TRAFFIC SAFETY OFFICIALS to insure that they have adequate budgets for staff, equipment and supplies to do their job properly.
TURN ON VEHICLE HEADLIGHTS between dusk and dawn and anytime visibility is reduced by rain, smoke, fog, etc.
KEEP VEHICLES IN GOOD MECHANICAL CONDITION by regularly checking brakes, tires, wipers and other safety equipment.
OBEY TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES such as signs, signals and pavement markings. These devices were installed to enhance safety.