1. Any person or organization who reserves a room or area have seven (7) days prior to the date of the event to pay all fees; otherwise, the room or reserved area may be declared vacant and available back to the general public.
2. The patron is responsible for all damages to the building or its contents. The City of Monroe reserves the right to pursue legal action regarding damages to its contents or property.
3. The patron is responsible for ensuring that his or her guests abide by all center rules and regulations. They are also responsible for controlling their guests by informing them to remain in the designated reserved area and to display appropriate conduct.
4. No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are permitted on the property. Failure to abide by this rule will result in termination of original contract, forfeiture of cleanup deposit and possible legal action.
5. Users should not leave any personal belongings after the event. The City of Monroe and its employees are not responsible for loss, damaged, stolen, or confiscated personal belongings.
6. No person is allowed on or to remain on the City of Monroe’s property who is intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs or causing a public disturbance. These individuals will be asked to immediately leave the premises and law enforcement will be notified.
7. The Monroe Parks and Recreation Division will supply only those appropriate items that are presently at each center as determined by the center supervisor.
8. All patrons are responsible for reading, comprehending, and understanding his or her individual contract and must follow all the rules regarding the contract.
9. All complaints regarding the cleanliness of the facility or other issues should be verbally or handwritten to the attention of the center supervisor. If a patron is not satisfied with the outcome or arrangements of agreed upon contract, he or she should contact the administrative office at 318-329-2439 or 318-329-2523. If an adverse ruling is received, the patron may appeal to the Office of Community Affairs at 318-329-2488.
10. Any patron that reserves an area can not collect a fee from guests to enter the facility or events unless special situations exist that are approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation. Fees may be collected before the event off the premises of the community center.
11. No event shall take place without a prior signed written agreement.
12. The patron is responsible for providing security if deemed necessary.
13. The patron assumes all liability related to this event and shall hold harmless the City of Monroe and its employees.
14. For major events (such as basketball tournaments, concerts, block parties etc.) the patron must provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.00 that lists the City of Monroe as an “Additional Insured”. The patron also may be required to obtain an event permit(s). Contact the administrative office at 329-2443 for assistance. Contact the Monroe Police Department at 329-2616 to arrange for security.
15. This Agreement must be reviewed and agreed upon by the patron and the center supervisor and each page of the agreement must be initialed by the patron.