Fire Statistics

“The Monroe Fire Department responds to a very diverse range of incident types. Not only does the department respond to structure fires, vehicle fires, trash / dumpster fires, alarms, and other fire-related emergencies, but request for emergency medical service and hazardous materials mitigation.” 

Statistically, these statistics will show that the Monroe Fire Department response follows most national trends in that requests for emergency medical service far outweigh those for more traditional fire-related emergencies. It is for this reason that over twenty years ago the Monroe Fire Department began responding to EMS incidents and training firefighters as EMTs and paramedics.

Response Data for 2013 
Source: Departmental Incident Reporting

Structure Fires 444
False Alarms 663
Vehicle Fires 89
Public Assistance 582
All Other (Misc.) 418
Total Fire Incidents 2,196
Emergency Medical Incidents
EMS, Non Vehicle Accident 3,518
Vehicle Accident, with Injuries 461
Total Emergency Medical Incidents 3,979
Total Incidents – 2013 6,175

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