Fee Schedule

Community Centers are open to the public Monday through Saturday from 1:00pm until 9:00pm (Note: Times may be adjusted for special situations with the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director). 

The centers are closed on Sundays unless reserved by an organization or a patron. The following is a schedule of user fees in order to reserve a Community Center for a function or special event. Click here to download the full Fee Schedule

1. Events held at a Community Center from Monday – Saturday from 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM cost $25.00 per hour. Events that are held on Sundays cost $35.00 per hour and must be reserved for a minimum of three (3) hours.

2. There is a $75.00 refundable cleanup deposit for all events that must be paid and submitted with the Reservation Agreement prior to the date of the function. In order for a reservation to be completed, all forms must be signed by both the patron and a center employee.

3. All events that go beyond the regular center hours or the number of hours reserved may be charged an additional $25.00 per hour ($35.00 if event is on a Sunday) or fraction of an hour. This fee will be deducted from the organization’s or patron’s cleanup deposit fee.

4. Each organization or patron must make arrangements with the center supervisor for event set-up. Set-up time will be left to the discretion of the center supervisor depending upon the type of events planned at the center.

5. Employees are not to receive anything of economic value (including money, favors or gifts) or solicit an organization or patron for money or accept a “tip” as outlined in the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics. Violation of this policy should result in termination of the employee.

6. Center supervisors are to turn in all funds (user fees and cleanup deposits) on the same or next business day at the Parks and Recreation Division’s Administrative Office located at Benoit Community Center, 1700 Oaklawn Dr. with an original contract, a copy of the payment and a copy of the receipt signed by both the patron and the supervisor.

7. Organizations or patrons shall receive an original receipt and a copy of the signed rental reservation that reflects full payment of all fees. If they do not receive an original receipt or copy of the signed rental reservation agreement, they should call the administrative office at 318-329-2439 or 318-329-2523 or the Office of Community Affairs at 318-329-2488.


NOTE: Rental fees may be negotiated for long term, recurring events.

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