
“Tips to Assist Businesses in Eliminating Litter”

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Trash Containers

  • Place an adequate number of trash containers in parking lots as well as inside and outside of all building entrances.

  • Establish a regular schedule for emptying trash containers. Avoid having trash emptied on an ‘as needed’ basis.

  • This will prevent trash overflows.

  • Replace broken, dirty or damaged containers.

  • Use only covered trash containers to eliminate trash from spilling or blowing out.


  • Establish the expectation that employees will pick up trash anywhere in or around your place of business. Let them know that it is not acceptable to walk past litter.

  • Removed trapped litter from fence lines on a regularly scheduled basis.

  • Establish smoking areas with appropriate ash receptacles for employees and customers.

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  • Place only tied bags of trash in outdoor dumpsters. This greatly decreases loose trash from blowing out of the dumpster during garbage collection.

  • Call the city’s Solid Waste Department when your dumpster is near to overflowing, or if your current level of service is not sufficient. Change or increase scheduled trash pickups, if necessary.

  • Enclose dumpsters with fences or walls to minimize the amount of trash that will blow to other areas of your business or onto city streets and rights-of-way. Remove trash from the enclosure area regularly.


Commit to reducing loose trash from company vehicles by:

  • Requiring tarps on any vehicles transporting materials.

  • Requiring tightly sealed containers to transport materials that are not covered by tarps.

  • Instructing drivers to pick up any materials that have fallen off of their load.

  • Instructing drivers to discard cigarette butts in vehicle ashtrays.

  • Adding trash bags to company vehicles.


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