The Comprehensive Plan addresses growth pressures, future public facilities and services, and other issues affecting the quality of life in Monroe, Louisiana.
Monroe Louisiana Comprehensive Plan
“The Comprehensive Plan is the document that sets the context for future growth and development in the City of Monroe. Required by state statutes that specify its overall content and structure, the Comprehensive Plan consists of a series of interrelated chapters, or elements, analyzing the community’s future land use, transportation, parks and recreation, and other infrastructure and environmental issues, needs, challenges, and opportunities.”
The Comprehensive Plan is important because it sets the overall policy context for future growth and development within our City. The Comprehensive Plan will address growth pressures, future public facilities and services needs, preservation of community character and natural resources, urban design and architectural standards, the fiscal impacts and responsibilities of new development, and other important issues affecting the quality of life and character of the city. Specifically, the Comprehensive Plan will include goals, objectives, and policies to:
- Guide future growth and development within the city (such as general location and allowable densities and intensities of land uses)
- Discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl
- Protect vital natural resources, such as environmentally sensitive lands and aquifer recharge areas
- Enhance community character through architectural and design standards
- Identify needed public services and revenues based on projected population and employment growth
- Meet community expectations regarding other important issues, such as sidewalks, streetlights, housing types, and other issues.
Community Building Blocks
The CBBs are the specific strategies to be used in the Comprehensive Plan to help the City of Monroe achieve its vision. While the Vision Statement relates to the entire Comprehensive Plan, the CBBs are organized around specific function areas, such as economic development or transportation. The CBBs relate to each other and support the Vision Statement. The CBBs will be used to draft the goals, objectives, and policies for the new Comprehensive Plan.
Adopted Comprehensive Plan
Adopted April 6, 2004 (Ordinance No. 2004-08)
Last Amended June 17, 2008 (Ordinance No. 2008-10)
2020 Vision for the City of Monroe
Monroe strives to be a unique and vibrant city recognized for its…
- Exceptional quality of life
- Attractive job opportunities, diversified housing, and superbly designed commercial areas
- Valued natural, recreational, and cultural resources
- Exemplary public facilities and services
- Responsible growth and fiscal planning
- Responsiveness to meeting the diverse needs of the citizens
- Friendly and welcoming manner towards visitors, residents and businesses
Throughout the Comprehensive Plan, the vision is translated into more specific goals, objectives, policies, and specific measures. The vision is the common thread that interconnects the Elements into one consistent Plan for the City’s development through the year 2020.