“The Community Development Division plans, ministers, operates and monitors housing and community development programs and services for people who are at risk in our City – families and individuals with low incomes, children, youth, the homeless, domestic violence victims, seniors and persons with disabilities.”
In order to achieve these goals, we invest in programs that help people gain independence and success and work with other City of Monroe departments and divisions, Community Housing and Development Organizations (CHDOs) and Subrecipients to support the Mayor’s efforts to “Build Strong Families and Healthy Neighborhoods.” We use the City’s Entitlement Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships Grant (HOME) and the State’s competitive Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) funds for the investments.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) is one of the most flexible forms of financial assistance available to the City. HUD provides a block grant to the City in an effort to assist with a wide range of housing and community development activities, which are directed toward housing, economic development, and providing improved community facilities and public services. The ranges of creative approaches to Community Development’s efforts employed by the City are broad. The approaches incorporate efforts such as, revitalizing declining neighborhoods, preserving the existing housing stock, and supporting non-profit organizations, the Community Development Division seeks to ensure a better quality of life for its low-income residents.
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
The City is also a participating jurisdiction (PJ) for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) that is used to increase safe, sanitary decent and affordable housing for its low and very low-income residents. The City of Monroe’s goal for this grant is to identify the affordable housing needs and use its HOME funds to help with providing home purchases or rehabilitation financing assistance to eligible homeowners and new home buyers; build or rehabilitate housing for rent or ownership.
Home in Monroe Program
The Home In Monroe Program is dedicated to providing investment to promote home ownership in the city of Monroe, Louisiana. In partnership with J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation, Mt. Pleasant CDC, Mid-City Redevelopment Alliance, and the City of Monroe Department of Planning and Urban Development, the program aims to provide Financial Coaching, HUD Certified Housing Counseling, Rent Reporting, and Down Payment/Closing Cost Assistance to support First-Time Homebuyers within the city Limits of Monroe.
Home in Monroe Program Interest Form
City of Monroe Safe Housing and Healthy Homes Program Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in the City of Monroe’s Safe Housing and Healthy Homes Program. Did you know that nearly one million children in the United States have lead levels in their blood high enough to cause irreversible damage.
The Safe Housing and Healthy Homes Program aims to increase awareness of housing-related health hazards, lead poisoning prevention, and the overall principles of a healthy home. We encourage those that are vulnerable and of low-income populations to take the necessary actions and steps to feel safe in your home and to ensure a better quality of life. If the home does test positive for lead you may be eligible for minor rehabilitation to address those lead hazards.
Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Program
The City has successfully competed for the State’s Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) Program since implementation of the homeless grant program. The City awards its ESG funds to 501 (c) (3) non- profit organizations with the purpose of meeting the requirements of providing homeless persons with basic shelter and essential services. Monroe Area Guidance Center, Our House, the Salvation Army and the Wellspring use the City’s ESG funds to assist with their facility operations and maintenance expense, case management, transportation, and childcare. These organizations use their United Way funds to meets the requirement of providing the dollar for dollar match of their ESG awards.
Consolidated Plan (2020-2024)
2023 CDBG & HOME Income Guidelines