City of Monroe and Monroe Police Department Developing Repeat Violent Offender Task Force

(Monroe, LA) Mayor Friday Ellis and MPD Chief Vic Zordan are working together to develop a Repeat Violent Offender Task Force that will involve representatives from multiple agencies. This task force would allow agencies to share information that could help keep repeat violent offenders behind bars.

Less than .1 percent of Monroe’s population is responsible for most of the violent crime in our city, and most of the suspects in those crimes are repeat violent offenders.

“We have too many examples of violent offenders being released and committing more violent offenses. I’ve asked this question before, but it bares repeating: when does someone’s fourth chance become someone else’s death sentence? We must act now,” says Monroe Mayor Friday Ellis.

This task force is still in the development process. More details are forthcoming.



Michelli Martin

Communications Director


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