After receiving updates from Ouachita Parish Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness
and the National Weather Service, Mayor Jamie Mayo advises all Monroe residents to be on
severe weather alert. Rain and extremely high winds are predicted beginning late Friday night
through Saturday afternoon/early evening.
Mayor Jamie Mayo says, “Weather predictions say 2 to 3-inches of rain are expected beginning
late Friday night. We also face the possibility of extremely high winds and tornadic activity in
our region. We are asking our residents to help my clearing leaves, branches and debris from
ditches in front of your homes and tie down or bring in loose items to help prevent possible flash
flooding, injuries, and wind damage.”
Our Public Works and other pertinent city departments will ensure that all needed personnel are
available, if needed, for deployment to assist with possible flash flooding and weather-related
issues that may arrive. Please watch the weather forecast for updates and practice SAFETY