Emergency Repair of 16-inch Water Main Leak Will Require a Late Night Temporary City Water Service Shut down for a section of U.S. Highway 165 North Tonight

Monroe Water System Manager Sean Benton states “The City of Monroe understands the value
of water service and strives to provide the best service possible to our residents and businesses.
As a result, in order to perform a rapid emergency repair to a leaking 16-inch waterline located
on the south side of U.S. Highway165N near Power Church at the Forsythe Extension. The City
of Monroe Water Distribution Department, along with the project contractor will be shutting
down that segment of the line heading north of Highway 165 at 11pm tonight. City of Monroe
customers in the 165 North area between Forsythe Extension and CenturyLink will experience
temporary low to no pressure for up to three hours total.
To have the least amount of impact on residents and businesses, the emergency repair work and
temporary shutdown of water service has been scheduled to take place starting tonight (October
15) at 11pm through 2am Wednesday morning (October 16) at a time when residents are most
likely sleeping and when businesses are closed. The total expected time without water service is
3 hours.”
When water service is restored at or before 3am Wednesday, October 16, a precautionary boil
water notice will be in effect to all effected customers. We anticipate sending out a recension of
this required boil water notice Thursday afternoon, October 17, 2019, once all required test results
have been returned.
For any additional question are concerns please contact the City of Monroe Water System
at 318-329-2321.

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