Mayor Jamie Mayo is in Baton Rouge at the State Capitol today to attend the Joint Legislative
Committee on Budget. He will be there for a discussion about anticipated infrastructure
projects in the Garrett/I-20 and Tower/Armand (Economic Development) Tax Incremental
Financing Districts.
In April 2019, the Senate Committee on Revenue and Fiscal Affairs unanimously approved the
City of Monroe’s request for Senate Bill 33 to move out of committee and be voted on by the
Senate and House. Senator Francis Thompson and State Representative Katrina Jackson joined
Mayor Jamie Mayo, Director of Administration Stacey Rowell, and City Engineer Kim Golden
to speak in favor of the measure to extend the Tax Increment Financing district for our I-20 and
Tower-Armand Economic Development Districts until the year 2033.
Mayor Jamie Mayo says, “Because of the availability and our prudent use of the TIF funds,
Monroe has experienced tremendous growth and economic development in the Tower-Armand
and I-20 Economic Development Districts. According to our records, 169 new businesses have
opened in those corridors since 2014. We thank the legislature for their support of SB 33; and,
we are thankful for Governor John Bel Edwards having signed the bill. We are more than
happy to be in Baton Rouge to discuss with the Joint Legislative Committee the benefits of the
extension of these TIF District tax benefits and how they can continue to spur more
development and job opportunities that will enhance the quality of life for Monroe residents.”