Mayor Mayo’s Youth F.U.N. & FIT 2 EAT Initiative KICKOFF EVENT

Mayor Mayo’s Youth F.U.N. & FIT 2 EAT Initiative KICKOFF EVENT


When: 9:30 AM, Friday, April 26, 2019

Where: Benoit Community Center, 1700 Oaklawn Drive


SUMMARY: Nearly one hundred elementary school students will be in attendance to kick-off the Mayor’s Youth F.U.N & Fit 2 Eat Initiative. There are three primary components of this initiative designed to combat childhood obesity. They are fitness, urban gardening, and nutritious eating. Our goal is to form partnerships and teach kids how to have fun while learning how to take care of their physical and nutritional health.


We welcome community partners to join in this effort. One partner, the LSU Ag Center, will provide free literature on health and nutrition; as well as technical support. Mayor Jamie Mayo says, “We hope to inspire participating youth to have fun and create a new and healthier lifestyle!” Community Affairs Director Robert C. Johnson says, “We are adding years to their lives when we teach children, at an early age, how to eat and grow healthy foods in conjunction with proper exercise. could help them to live healthier.”


The April 26th kickoff event will be used as an introductory activity to introduce students to this life-changing initiative. Activities will continue during our youth summer recreation program and during the fall 2019 semester of the upcoming school year. We will chart the progress of each student to be able to measure the improvements in their physical fitness, eating habits, and urban gardening. -E

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