TIME/DATE: 6 pm until 8 pm Tuesday, February 6, 2018 (doors open at 5 pm)
LOCATION: Monroe Civic Center W.L. “Jack” Howard Theater, 401 Lea Joyner Expressway.
WHAT: Mayor Jamie Mayo invites the public to hear a panel discussion about race and cultural diversity.
The purpose of this event is two-fold. First, we want a diverse group of community members to have a cordial, yet, frank and honest discussion about topics such as race relations, cultural diversity, the criminal justice system, economic equality and more. Secondarily, we want this general discussion to spark citywide private discussions within homes, churches, schools, places of business, and, etc.
The panel will be moderated by ULM Associate Professor Dr. Joshua Stockley and Grambling State University’s KGRM General Manager Joyce Evans.