City of Monroe Officials and Employees to help with Senior Food Box Distribution at Food Bank of NELA

WHAT: Mayor Jamie Mayo, Monroe City Council members, city department heads and employees will be helping with the Food Bank of Northeast Louisiana’s Senior Program distribution.

WHEN: 8:45 am until 11 am Wednesday, December 20, 2017 (TODAY)

WHERE: Food Bank of NELA, 4600 Central Avenue, Monroe, LA 71203 The Food Bank of NELA Senior Program has partnered with the City of Monroe and the Goodfellow’s organization to help low-income senior citizens, aged 60 and older, stretch their food budgets by providing them with supplemental food each month. Seniors living on fixed incomes must often choose between covering the cost of life-saving medications and buying the food they need to stay healthy. This program has grown to serve 1,435 seniors throughout Northeast Louisiana. The distribution at the Food Bank in Monroe will serve those seniors who are able to drive through and pick up their boxes.

“City employees’ benevolent community projects” is #12 on Mayor Jamie Mayo’s 60 for 60 list of projects during his current term.

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