Groundbreaking Ceremony for $3.3M Project at Water Pollution Control Center

Mayor Jamie Mayo and the Monroe City Council are pleased to join our Engineering Department to announce a groundbreaking ceremony to be held at 9 am Thursday, July 27, 2017 at the City of Monroe Water Pollution Control Center (WPCC), located at 770 Richwood Road No. 2, Monroe, LA, 71202. The project is a $3.3M Sludge Digester cover system.

Mayor Jamie Mayo says, “We are very thankful for the work that our local team has done, and to have the support of the DEQ and EPA to make this project happen. We appreciate the assistance of the Monroe Chamber of Commerce. This sludge digester cover system is not a photogenic project – so people won’t be talking about how great it looks. But, it is a very beneficial project. Without it – people would be complaining about the smell coming from this plant. This will help our system run more smoothly and keep the local community smelling pleasant.”

Project Information is listed below:
Contractor – Womack & Sons Construction Group, Inc. Harrisonburg, LA
Engineer – Arcadis Engineering with local sub-consultant Denmon Engineering
Contract Amount – $3,383,690.00
Notice to Proceed issued May 1, 2017
Contract Time – 350 calendar days
Funding Source – DEQ Loan Funds and EPA-SAAP Grant

Installation of Cover Systems for Sludge Digesters No. 1 & No. 2 at WPCC – this project involves the replacement of the sludge digester cover system at the City’s Water Pollution Control Center (WPCC). The sludge digester roof system captures excessive amounts of fugitive biogas before it enters the atmosphere. The new digester roof system will provide adequate storage, production, and use of biogas. The biogas is used to fuel the onsite heaters and heat exchangers. The new cover system will provide a more efficient use of the biogas and will also prevent gas and odors from escaping into the atmosphere. This wastewater construction project will be beneficial to the City of Monroe.

The project is funded in part with two grants from the Environmental Protection Agency which total $970,000. The grants were obtained with assistance of the Monroe Chamber of Commerce pursuant to its cooperative endeavor agreement with the City of Monroe. The EPA funding will be match with funds from the LA Department of Environmental Quality’s State Revolving Loan Fund and the City of Monroe’s Capital Infrastructure Sales Tax Revenue.

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