WHAT: Temporary Extended Street Closure
WHEN: 24/7 beginning Saturday, July 15, 2017 for approximately 120 days (4 months)
WHERE: Full closure at the 1000 block of McKeen Place west of the last driveway of Shadow Wood Apartments – AND – Full Closure at 800 block of Rochelle Avenue on the west side of the Rail Road.
WHY: Construction of a retention pond at the Rochelle Pump Station
PROJECT SUMMARY: Flood Control Improvements to Rochelle St., Roselawn St. & 11th Street Area of Monroe – The existing pump station has three pumps and a design capacity of 120,000 GPM. Currently, during times of high rainfall, the existing pump station gets overwhelmed with inflow and cannot pump water out of the basin fast enough. As a result, water levels in the basin rise above slab elevations in the area.
This new project adds a 5.01 acre retention basin to the existing Rochelle St Pump Station to relieve local flooding in the area immediately adjacent to the pump station. The watershed of the pump station is approximately 231 acres.
CONTRACTOR: Womack & Sons Construction Group, Inc. Harrisonburg, LA
ENGINEER: Denmon Engineering, Inc.
FUNDING SOURCE: 90/10 split between the State and the City of Monroe. 90% of the project is paid through the LaDOTD State Wide Flood Control Program. The remaining 10% comes from the City of Monroe Capital Infrastructure Sales Tax Revenue Fund.
CONTACTS: Arthur Holland, Project Manager, City of Monroe Engineering Department (318) 376-1346. The project contractor is Womack & Sons.
We regret the inconvenience of this extended closure. The contractors are working to limit the duration of the closure as much as possible. This is a critical infrastructure project for flood control. Please observe and obey the traffic control signs. We thank you for your patience and understanding.