WHAT: Monroe Area Disaster Recovery Resources Fair hosted by FEMA
WHEN: 9 am until 3 pm Saturday, January 28, 2017
LOCATION: Monroe Public Safety Building
1810 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, 71202, in Monroe, LA
The Fair will provide flood-impacted homeowners and renters with a “One-Stop Shop” to connect with Federal, State and local governments along with our Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) who will provide information and guidance opportunities to aid in their recovery process. We are working collaboratively with several agencies to be available on site for direct “One-on-One” counseling and to set-up informational resource tables see attached flyer for more details.
Please complete the attached registration forms and return to Nicole Bell nicole.bell@fema.dhs.gov by 12:00noon Tuesday, January 17th. We appreciate your immediate response as we work collaboratively to provide meaningful resources to assist citizens impacted by the floods.
If you have any questions, please call me via email at Crystal.JonesTaylor@hud.gov or call 504-220-8085 (M)