Using Bus Schedules and Maps
Monroe Transit maps and schedules will help you determine which route to ride. Paper versions can be found at the Downtown Terminal, the MTS main office, and various other locations throughout Monroe.
The Monroe Transit system map shows all Monroe bus routes, allowing you to determine which route you need to ride. In addition to the system map, the major destinations page lists many locations in the city. Clicking on the location’s route number will bring up the schedule for the route that serves that location.
Finding Your Route
Determining which route to ride is easy with the Monroe Transit system map! Locate your departure point on the system map and note the color of the highlight closest to that point. Find that color and the corresponding route number in the legend. Repeat this for your destination point. Note that your departure point and destination point may be on different routes.
Using Route Schedules
Once you have determined the routes you wish to ride, you will need the bus schedule for those routes.
Using the detailed route map, locate your departure point. Note any arrows on the map. These indicate that the bus travels in one direction on the indicated road.
Next, refer to the time schedule. Time point locations are listed across the top of the time schedule. If a time point is listed twice, the first time is when the bus will depart heading outbound, and the second is the inbound (towards the terminal) arrival time. Locate the time points on the detailed route map, and determine which is closest to your departure point. Note that although only four to five time points are listed, there are several stops between time points.
Now that you have determined which time point to use, simply look down the column to find the departure times. Remember that traffic conditions and other factors may affect the actual arrival times, so plan to be at the bus stop at least five minutes prior to the departure time.
MTS Bus Stops
For passenger safety and convenience, MTS buses only pick up and drop off passengers at designated bus stops. Bus stops are typically located every two to three blocks, and are marked with red, blue and yellow bus stop signs. Many major stops have amenities such as benches and covered shelters.
As the bus arrives, be sure to stand near the bus stop so the operator can easily see you. In order to keep a timely schedule, buses only stop at bus stops if a person is waiting at the stop or if a passenger on board is getting off at the stop. Allow any disembarking passengers to step off the bus before boarding. Always board through the front door.
Paying Fares
Upon boarding the bus, you will be required to pay the bus fare. Fares are paid in cash and deposited directly into the fare box. If you need to transfer to another bus to reach your final destination, you can request a transfer upon boarding. If you will be making several trips, consider purchasing a Day Tripper pass that covers your fare for the whole day! Both dollar bills and change are accepted, however change cannot be made.
Monroe Transit also offers money saving pre-paid fare options, available at the downtown terminal or the Monroe Transit main office.
Riding the Bus
After paying the fare, hold onto the overhead handrails as you make your way towards a seat. The forward most seats are reserved for elderly and disabled passengers.
As the bus nears your destination, you must signal the driver to stop. To do so, pull the stop request cord located above the windows. On buses with out a stop cord, inform the driver that you would like the next stop.
For you safety, remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. Do not cross in front of the bus because traffic will not be stopped.
If you need to ride a second route to get to your final destination, you will transfer at the downtown terminal. Locate the bus route you need and give your transfer to the operator as your fare. Transfers are valid for the next departure only.