All media outlets are encouraged to attend a news conference on 1:30 pm Tuesday, September 6, at the middle shelter located at Forsythe Point.  All parties involved in this year’s Water Sweep will be on hand to provide interviews and insight on the event which is scheduled for Saturday, September 10th.

Representatives of the three Keep America Beautiful affiliates will be present as well as the new Ouachita Green coordinator. Also taking part in the news conference will be spokesmen for the Army Corps of Engineers and the Tensas Basin District Levee Board which both play a big role in making the cleanup of area waterways a success. 

The news conference will be staged at the middle shelter on Forsythe Point, just south of the Forsythe boat dock. Some possible story angles include:

  1. Need for the cleanup
  2. Push for pre-registration of volunteers
  3. Need for boats to reach remote areas
  4. Push to also clean-up area ditches as well

For more information, visit: watersweep.org or call the Ouachita Green coordinator at 355-5622.

Questions related to the news conference can be addressed by Greg Smith, the Keep Monroe Beautiful Executive Director. He can be reached at 372-6653 or emailed at greg.smith@ci.monroe.la.us.  

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