Mayor Jamie Mayo and the Monroe City Council are pleased to invite the media and public to a ribbon cutting ceremony 11 am Monday, August 29, 2016, for the I-20 and I-20/Garrett interchange lighting project. The staging area will be the northeast (overflow) parking lot of Town Place Suites at Pecanland Mall. City of Monroe, Louisiana DOTD District 5 officials, I-20 Economic Development District and other officials will be in attendance.
ABOUT THE PROJECT: I-20 and I-20/Garrett Road interchange lighting – This project involves installing lighting along I-20 from Nutland Road to 2.8 miles east of Nutland Road, including the I-20/Garrett Road interchange. Work on the project began in January 2014. Funding for the project included approximately $1.1 million in federal funding and approximately $123 thousand in state funding plus approximately $246 thousand in I-20 Economic Development District funding.