
The first step in the approach to community change is education. Keep Monroe Beautiful seeks to provide knowledge to its residents in a number of ways. That includes providing speakers to schools, civic groups, and neighborhood associations; school field trips to city hall and public service announcements to encourage beautification and discourage activities such as litter, graffiti and roadside dumping.

To book a speaker or schedule a field trip: Call (318) 329-4983

“Keep Monroe Beautiful can help you develop programs that prevent litter, reduce waste, and beautify your community.”

Focus on Results

Litter issues are a starting point for improving your community’s environment. Learn more about litter prevention, the “Keep Monroe Beautiful way.”

Components necessary for a successful litter prevention program include:

  • Effective public education and communication; (Get the facts)
  • Strong, broad-based organizational structure, including representation and input from all segments of the community; (Involve the People)
  • Enforcement programs; (Develop a Plan)
  • Valid measurement and assessment tools; (Focus on Results)
  • Reward/recognition programs to provide incentives. (Provide Positive Reinforcement)

Keep Monroe Beautiful also focuses on beautification as a threshold element to addressing larger quality of life issues. Beautification programs can build community pride, neighborhood revitalization and positively affect healthy economic development.

Keep Monroe Beautiful educates communities about the solid waste management options, and helps local communities develop programs about recycling, conversion (combustion) and landfills.

Join the Great American Cleanup™

Coordinated through the Kaeep America Beautiful National Office, Great American Cleanup events are executed by a network of participating organizations across the country. The Great American Cleanup is a platform for community improvement programs every year from March 1 through May 31.

All the activities underscore our philosophy of citizens taking individual responsibility for their community environments. Everyone is welcome to lend a hand in any one or more of the diverse activities offered to make their communities cleaner, healthier and safer.

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