Litter Prevention

“Research and experience prove that litter — intentional or unintentional pollution resulting from consumer waste products being carelessly handled or improperly disposed — attracts more litter. A clean community, by contrast, discourages littering and raises local living standards and quality of life.”

Why do people litter?

People tend to litter because they feel no sense of personal ownership. In addition, even though areas such as parks and beaches are public property, people often believe that someone else a park maintenance or highway worker will take responsibility to pick up litter that has accumulated over time. Because any and all items used in human activity have a potential of being littered, the scale of this issue is significant.

Because Keep Monroe Beautiful believes litter is often a starting point for other community blight, and that everyone shares a personal responsibility to help prevent litter in their community, we encourage solutions that involve public education and volunteer action. Knowing more about the causes of litter and where it comes from is a good place to start in addressing litter prevention. One person, one business, one organization can positively affect the behavior of others in their community.

Keep Monroe Beautiful’s approach to community change

For individuals to make a difference, Keep Monroe Beautiful teaches the following approach to community change:

  • Education – in schools and in communities;
  • Technology – equipment to measure and manage waste;
  • Ordinances – laws which impact solid waste & litter management; and
  • Enforcement – consistent, effective law and ordinance enforcement.

More about Littering: Why, Who, Where

Litter is the result of too little attention to how waste is handled — the careless and casual handling of waste creates litter. Knowing more about the causes of litter and where it comes from is a good place to start in addressing litter prevention. One person, one business, one organization can positively affect the behavior of others in their community.

  • How much litter is there in America?
  • Why do people litter?
  • Who is littering?
  • Where do people litter?
  • What happens to litter … and why it matters

You can make a difference. > Learn More

What You Can Do … to Prevent Litter

Keep America Beautiful has compiled many examples of what you — and others — can do to help prevent litter in your community. > Learn More

KAB’s Litter Index Measurement Tool

The Keep America Beautiful Litter Index is a self-measurement too that our affiliates use to assess their local litter situation, and to track their litter reduction progress over time. > Learn More

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