“The Adopt-a-Spot Program provides a unique opportunity for Monroe-area corporations, businesses and organizations to help beautify Monroe through the adoption and sponsorship of special natural areas throughout Monroe.”
Keep Monroe Beautiful, in partnership with the City of Monroe Department of Public Works, invites you to Adopt-a-Spot!
You are encouraged to take part in this exciting and innovative program by “adopting” a portion of your neighborhood. From business districts to your own block, beautification and maintenance of your own “Spot” will benefit your community.
Who: Any individual or organized group or business may participate in the Adopt-a-Spot program. Up to three individuals, organizations or businesses can adopt an area together.
What: Adopt-a-Spot is a clean-up/beautification program that encourages residents to work to improve their neighborhoods by cleaning littered curbs, sidewalks, and vacant lots, cutting grass and high weeds, and planting flowers. We also encourage “adopters” to remove signs from utility poles. Participants can also report graffiti to the City of Monroe by calling 318-329-4983. You are limited only by your imagination! We ask each participating group to fill out a “Results Reporting Form” after each cleanup. Click here for the online Results Reporting Form.
Why: To encourage residents and businesses in the City of Monroe to initiate beautification and litter prevention projects in communities to ensure a better quality of life.
When: At least once a month on the entire adopted “spot” (if a street, both sides of the street), designated by the participating individual or organization, “Adopters” shall be required to pick-up litter if the appearance of the adopted section becomes objectionable. The individual or group is required to adopt for a three-year period.
Where: All Adopt-a-Spot projects must be on public property or in the public right-of-way, including traffic islands, city-owned vacant lots, or the right-of-way between the curb and the sidewalk.
Click here to Register now and starting cleaning and beautifying!