Keep Monroe Beautiful - City of Monroe, Louisiana

Keep Monroe Beautiful

The vision of Keep Monroe Beautiful vision is a clean, green, community where citizens exhibit a strong sense of pride and concern about their environment.

Keep Monroe Beautiful – City of Monroe

“The mission of Keep Monroe Beautiful is ‘to engage individuals, households and businesses to take greater responsibility for improving their community environments.’ Our vision is a clean, green, physically enhanced community where citizens exhibit a strong sense of pride and concern about their environment.” 

As Keep Monroe Beautiful Executive Director, I serve as a link between the Mayor and the community by assisting with community projects, presenting programs to schools, civic organizations and others. I also respond to questions or complaints from the public as well as with the planning and implementation of Keep Monroe Beautiful activities.

Monroe has a number of opportunities aimed at maintaining and improving our environment. By being involved we can make our City so much better. Each resident can have a big impact through everyday choices and actions. These include acts of pride such as not littering, reducing waste and responsibly disposing of household garbage and trash.

You can start today by making sure (1) your yard is free of debris, (2) your lawns are mowed regularly and (3) plant easily maintained shrubs. Ask your neighbors to do the same and form street cleanups. Volunteering will make a difference in your neighborhood and the boost in sprit and morale will spread out to make Monroe all the more beautiful.

There are several activities that we can assist you with. What would you like to do in the effort to help Keep Monroe Beautiful? 

Frequently Called Numbers

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Keep Monroe Beautiful at 318-329-2209 for:

  1. Organizing a clean-up
  2. Adopting a Spot
  3. Booking a speaker

Public Works 329-2230 for:

  1. Garbage/Trash issues
  2. Vacant lot mowing
  3. Drainage issues

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Code Enforcement at 329-2336 to report:

  1.  Illegal dumping
  2. Improper vacant building maintenance
  3. Overgrown lots


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