To provide the most effective disinfection process, the City of Monroe Water System is making a temporary change in the type of disinfectant used in the water supply starting on May 13, 2024 and ending around July 8, 2024.
This will be the 10th year of us conducting this precautionary process. It is typical for water systems that use chloramines to temporarily change to
chlorine to clean water pipes and provide a reliable disinfectant residual throughout all points in the distribution system. Free chlorine is proven to be more
effective in killing organisms within the pipes of the distribution system.
The City of Monroe Water System monitors the disinfectant residual in the distribution system daily. This measurement tells us whether we are effectively
disinfecting the water supply. The disinfectant residual is the amount of chlorine or chloramines in the distribution system. Chlorine and chloramines are
common disinfectants used by water suppliers to kill bacteria in drinking water; therefore, if the disinfectant residual is too low, microorganisms can
potentially grow in the distribution piping.
When is this switch scheduled?
The temporary switch from chloramines to free chlorine will occur May 13, 2024 through July 8, 2024. If a longer duration is required, then we will
continue to use free chlorine as long as necessary.
What is being done?
We are going to change the distribution system disinfectant from chloramines to free chlorine. Although the level of disinfectant will remain the same, the
type of disinfectant will change. We will continue to monitor the chlorine levels throughout the water system.
What should I do?
You do not need to boil your water or take other actions. This is not an emergency. If it had been, you would have been notified immediately.
What can I do if I notice a chlorine taste or smell?
During the temporary switch, you may notice a chlorine taste and/or odor in your drinking water. Chlorine levels will continue to meet EPA standards and
are not a health risk.
• Run the cold water tap for several minutes when water is not used for several days.
• Collect and refrigerate cold tap water in an open pitcher. Be sure to collect water after running the cold water tap
for two minutes. Within a few hours, the chlorine taste and odor will disappear.
• Water filters can reduce chlorine taste and smell. Be sure to use a filter certified to meet National Sanitation
Foundation (NSF) standards and replace the filter cartridge as recommended by the manufacturer.
Who should take special precautions during the temporary switch to Chlorine?
Customers who normally take special precautions to remove chloramines from tap water, such as dialysis centers,
medical facilities and aquatic pet owners, should continue to take the same precautions during the temporary switch to
chlorine. Most methods for removing chloramines from tap water are effective in removing chlorine.
Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have
received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do
this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.
For more information, please contact Daren Johnson, Water Treatment Plant Superintendent at 318-329-2386.
31 8-329-2386